Art We Heart: Issue 2


This March edition of “Art We Heart is a feast for the eyes. It features four ladies with very different styles, but they just so happen to all create portraits of different sorts. Needless to say, there’s something for everyone. We hope you enjoy meeting this talented bunch.

Brooke Berry

“I am an artist based in New York City. I specialize in human and animal portraits. I love to capture the essence of the people I draw and the stories they carry with them!”

Renee Gibson

“I’m a Memphis based artist. I’m inspired by the city, people, and colors around me. I never have a block when it comes to painting, as I always have new ideas waiting to just come out.”

Michelle McGrady

“My work comes straight from the heart. I work on mass pieces at one time. I thoughtfully think over where a piece or two is taking me, and I go from there. Lately, I have been seeing faces in all my work and I’m just following.”

Amy Straley

 “After 16 years of working in the fast paced retail world, I took a huge leap into unemployment to live in our 1960’s cabin in the woods. During this time, I have been able to reach back into my creative side that had been so long abandoned due to life. I’m inspired by my past life of ballet and music. My portraits reflect women who have influenced me throughout the years, as well as the emotions I’ve  experienced during different chapters of life.”